
To ensure our certificants are up-to-date on the latest developments in the science of dog training and behavior—including new practices, methodologies, equipment, and terminology—we require them to recertify regularly. We have determined each recertification period based on the pace of change in the field.


CPDT-KA®/CPDT-KSA® certificants must renew their certification every 3 years.

  • If you initially certified in the Spring Exam Window your recertification application deadline is 5/31 (3 yrs after you earned the certification)
  • If you initially certified in the Fall Exam Window your recertification application deadline is 11/30 (3 yrs after you earned the certification)

Recertification applications will not be accepted after the certification expiration date.

Knowledge-Assessed (-KA) certifications: Educational events earn you a certain number of CEUs each. During the re-certification period, you must earn 36 of these units. At LEAST 24 CEUs must be designated as CPDT-KA or CBCC-KA CEUs. A maximum of 12 Skills CEUs may be designated as CPDT-KSA CEUs

Knowledge and Skills Assessed (-KSA) certifications: Educational events may contain a portion of hands-on CEUs and a portion of seminar/lecture CEUs. During the recertification period, you must earn 36 CEUs during the three-year certification period. A MINIMUM of 12 CEUs must be designated as CPDT-KSA  (Skills) CEUs. Up to 24 CEUs may be designated as CPDT-KA or CBCC-KA CEUs.


CBCC-KA® certificants must renew their certification every 5 years.

  • If you initially certified in the Spring Exam Window your recertification application deadline is 5/31 (5 yrs after you earned the certification)
  • If you initially certified in the Fall Exam Window your recertification application deadline is 11/30 (5 yrs after you earned the certification)

Recertification applications will not be accepted after the certification expiration date.

Knowledge-Assessed (-KA) certifications: Educational events earn you a certain number of CEUs each. During the re-certification period, you must earn 36 of these units. CEUs are specific either to training or behavior. Attending a training event won’t count toward hands-on or lecture/seminar credit for a behavior designation.

Trainer working with dog

How to calculate CEUs

CPDT-KA® or CPDT-KSA® certificants can use CEUs designated CPDT-KA, CPDT-KSA, and CBCC-KA CEUs toward recertification. CBCC-KA® certificants, on the other hand, can only use CBCC-KA CEUs.

If a course has been granted 4 CBCC-KA CEUs, 2 CPDT-KA CEUs and 1 CPDT-KSA CEU, the following CEUs could be earned toward recertification:

  • CBCC-KA would earn a total of 4 CEUs towards CBCC-KA recertification
  • CPDT-KA would earn 7 CEUs towards CPDT-KA recertification (4 CBCC-KA, 2 CPDT-KA and 1 CPDT-KSA)
  • CPDT-KSA would earn 6 CEUs towards the CPDT-KA portion of their recertification (4 CBCC-KA and 2 CPDT-KA) and 1 CEU towards their KSA portion of the recertification. If that certificant had already obtained sufficient CPDT-KSA CEUs, the CPDT-KSA CEU would be applied toward the CPDT-KA requirement

CBCC-KA/CPDT-KA(KSA) would earn 4 CEUs towards their CBCC-KA recertification and 3 towards their CPDT-KA(KSA) recertification.

Missed the recertification deadline?

You can apply for recertification up to 30 days past your recertification application deadline (May 31 or November 30). A late fee of $100 (in addition to the recertification fee) applies. After your expiration date (June 30 or December 31), you have to reapply for certification through the same process as when you originally became certified. To learn more, read our policy on late recertification submissions.

Recertification extensions

Under unusual or extraordinary circumstances, we can grant an extension on your recertification date. To get a one-year extension (available only once per certificant), send a written explanation of why you need one to the CCPDT board at least 30 days before your recertification expiration date. To learn more, read our policy on recertification extensions.

Download the Recertification Handbook