CEU Event: Loose Leash Walking Success for Clients with Mobility Disabilities

When: Ongoing
Where: Online


CPDT-KSA Knowledge: 1.00
CPDT-KSA Skills: 0.00

* Courses approved for CBCC-KA CEUs may be applied to a CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA recertification. Courses approved for CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA may not be applied to a CBCC-KA recertification.

PLEASE NOTE: CPDT-KA can earn a MAXIMUM of 12 CPDT-KSA Skills CEUS within their 3 year certification period.


Loose leash walking can be far more challenging to train than it appears, and for clients with mobility disabilities, it can present even greater difficulties. Veronica Sanchez, M.Ed., CDBC, CPDT-KA, explores how mobility disabilities can affect a client’s ability to train loose-leash walking and presents practical training techniques and strategies to help clients succeed. Learning Objectives How mobility disabilities can affect clients working on leash walking How loose leash walking criteria may need to be adapted for clients with mobility disabilities Techniques for introducing leash walking when the handler uses a wheelchair, walker, or other adaptive equipment The importance of precise positioning for dogs walking on leash with clients who have mobility disabilities, and strategies for training positioning Key foundation behaviors that support loose leash walking Simple, effective strategies to help clients practice leash walking while navigating their disability

Sponsor:Pet Professional Guild
Speaker(s):Veronica Sanchez

Contact: Rebekah King
 Email: events@petprofessionalguild.com
 Web: https://www.petprofessionalguild.com/webinars-events/webinars/loose-leash-walking-success-for-client