CEU Event: Mid-Atlantic Animal Behavior Conference

When: 09/29/2024 10:00am to 09/29/2024 4:30pm
Where: Arlington-Fairfax Elks Lodge


CPDT-KSA Knowledge: 1.00
CPDT-KSA Skills: 0.00

* Courses approved for CBCC-KA CEUs may be applied to a CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA recertification. Courses approved for CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA may not be applied to a CBCC-KA recertification.

PLEASE NOTE: CPDT-KA can earn a MAXIMUM of 12 CPDT-KSA Skills CEUS within their 3 year certification period.


Education and networking event for animal behavior professionals, including 10 industry speakers.

Sponsor:Mid-Atlantic Animal Behavior Conference
Speaker(s):Jessica Wheatcraft, Jenn Gavin, Rebecca Thompson, Pat Miller, Ester Eng, Laura Sharkey, Erica Pytlov

Contact: Erica Pytlovany
 Email: mid.atl.animalbehaviorconference@gmail.com
 Phone: 703-495-3603
 Web: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mid-atlantic-animal-behavior-conference-2024-registration-943142433407


Arlington-Fairfax Elks Lodge
8421 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax, VA 22031
United States
