CEU Event: How to Help Fearful Dogs Feel Safe

When: Ongoing
Where: Online


CPDT-KSA Knowledge: 0.00
CPDT-KSA Skills: 0.00

* Courses approved for CBCC-KA CEUs may be applied to a CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA recertification. Courses approved for CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA may not be applied to a CBCC-KA recertification.

PLEASE NOTE: CPDT-KA can earn a MAXIMUM of 12 CPDT-KSA Skills CEUS within their 3 year certification period.


Almost three-quarters of dogs have some kind of canine anxiety, according to research. This talk is an overview of how to help fearful dogs, starting with recognizing the signs of fear and helping the dog to feel safe. We’ll look at the prevalence of fears in dogs, the kinds of fears that are most common, and some of the specific steps that can be taken to protect fearful dogs. Management is important for several reasons. We’ll also look at the role of the dog’s attachment to their guardian, why it’s so important to work at the dog’s pace and not make them face their fears, and which techniques work best with fearful and anxious dogs. We’ll also talk about how to evaluate and prioritize the changes that will be most important in an individual case.

Sponsor:Pet Professional Guild
Speaker(s):Dr. Zazie Todd

Contact: Rebekah King
 Email: events@petprofessionalguild.com
 Web: https://www.petprofessionalguild.com/webinars-events/webinars/how-to-help-fearful-dogs-feel-safe-wit